Webinar: The power of perception

This interactive workshop is designed for those that have difficulty in managing their emotions (i.e fear, anger, grief etc) and wish to gain control over them.

Needless to say, all the decisions you take are determined by your emotional state. By gaining control over your emotions, you gain control over your life (either professional or personal).


What will you learn in this online workshop?

In this interactive workshop you learn:

  • Who creates your emotions;
  • How are your emotions created;
  • How your perception affects your emotions;
  • How you change an emotion;
  • How you transform a disempowering emotion to an empowering one.


True knowledge comes not by theory, but through practice. During the workshop, five (5) participants will have the opportunity to bring one challenging fact or emotion and solve it on the spot, together with the coach Michail Fragkiadakis. Time is limited, so the first five who will apply for this opportunity at info@foscoaching.com will reserve their places to best resolve a personal challenge. 

Are you ready to take control?

Join now and claim your life!



Het volgen van de workshop is volledig GRATIS. Bij afmeldingen korter dan 24u van tevoren brengen we echter tien euro (ex. btw) in rekening

Bij afmeldingen korter dan 24u van tevoren óf bij een no show brengen we echter tien euro (ex. btw) in rekening.

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